Big Picture March 2016

Click here to view our March 2016 edition of the Big Picture.



The Merrifield team is excited to announce that it has secured its first childcare centre.

The new childcare centre will commence construction later this year, and is planned to cater for up to 150 children.

It is anticipated to open in mid-2017, which will be welcome in our growing community of young families.

The Hume City Council places strong importance on educational infrastructure in the region, and is pleased with the securement of the first childcare centre at Merrifield.

“With significant population growth within the Hume region expected over the next 10 years, schools and childcare facilities are extremely necessary in any new development,” stated the Hume Mayor, Cr Helen Patsikatheodorou.

“The vision for Merrifield was always set to create a sustainable way of life for its community, complete with a living and employment precinct, lifelong education options and a thriving city centre. Another two schools are earmarked for the site along with another a kindergarten and multiple childcare centres once the population reaches certain thresholds,” said Matthew Planner, Director of Merrifield.

Register here to keep updated on childcare and kindergarten in Merrifield.


Q: Why have you and your husband chosen Merrifield as your new home?

A: We wanted a good sized block, and my husband had his heart set on a double-storey house. We had been looking for a few years, but when we saw Merrifield we knew immediately that this would become our home. We can’t wait to see what else our life here has to bring – we are going to stay here forever. We love it; it’s our forever home.

Q: How has life been as one of the first residents in Merrifield?

A: We can’t believe how quickly the estate has grown in a very short time. The park is terrific. My son loves it! It’s so child-friendly. My husband even loves going down the slide with him and he’s 35 years old! It’s the best park in the area. We go for walks around here and meet our neighbours – we feel very lucky to live here.

Q: What excites you most about living in Merrifield?

A: Firstly, the fact that I’d never owned land in my entire life, but now I do with my husband, which is very special. We worked hard for it together, and it felt so right when we both signed our names on the contract. We love that Merrifield is new and still growing. We love taking pictures of how it is now; when our son grows up, he’ll know what we did for him and where this all started. We’ve also been blessed with cool neighbours who we know will look out for us, and we’ll look out for them. It feels like we’ve started something new. You’ve helped us to create a community of our own.

Merrifield Dream Day Community Event Gallery

Merrifield’s first café will be opening mid this year!

Merrifield’s first café, The Corner Store, will be opening in a matter of months! Get excited for barista-made coffees, delicious dishes and a trendy spot for you to sit and relax with the paper, meet the other locals, or bring your friends and family on the weekends!