Help us grow our Farmers’ Market

Throughout 2017, the Farmers’ Market has seen some of Victoria’s best food producers bringing their farm-fresh food to the residents of Merrifield!

To ensure the Market continues to grow, we have prepared a quick 5 minute survey so you can give us your feedback and suggestions for 2018.

Plus, each participant will go into the draw to WIN a $200 voucher at the Merrifield Farmers’ Market!

Click here to complete the survey. Entries close Friday 12 January.


Farmers’ Market Christmas trading hours

The silly season is well and truly here and our hardworking farmers are needing a well-deserved rest!

The Merrifield Farmers’ Market will be on break from Saturday 16 December and will reopen in early 2018.

Like any new venture it is time to grow and are we are excited to announce that we will be introducing local arts and crafts to the farmers’ market in 2018. We thank you for your support and patronage in 2017 and look forward to what’s ahead for the new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Don, Claire and the Merrifield Farmers’ Market Team.

Christmas fun in the park

Write a letter to Santa

Santa is always enormously busy this time of year. So we’re helping him out by gathering all the letters from the children of Merrifield, and sending them to his office at the North Pole!

Collect your Santa letter pack from the Sales Office team. You will find writing paper, pencils and a special envelope for your own very important letter to Santa.

Follow these instructions carefully
1. Get your pencils ready…
2. Write and tell Santa how well behaved you’ve been this year, and all your Christmas wishes. Remember, Santa loves pictures and stickers, so let your creativity run WILD!
3. Place your letter in the special envelope and pop it in Santa’s Mailbox at the Sales Office. Make sure to include your home address so Santa can reply!

DON’T FORGET to return your letter before 22 December as the Santa’s Mailbox will disappear back to the North Pole.