Merrifield City Opening 2 December 2020!

This is it, stage 1 of Merrifield City will open their doors on Wednesday 2nd December at 9am for the first time!

Can you feel it? The excitement is building. The big day is almost here. We are incredibly excited to announce that on Wednesday 2 December we will be able to officially welcome you through the doors of Merrifield City.

Naturally, we’re keen to celebrate this historic moment and get to know our community, so we invite you to join us during opening week as the first batch of our friendly new food vendors, grooming specialists and gadget experts swing into action.

Throughout opening week you’ll get a chance to look, shop and taste your way through the centre, while covid-safe roving entertainers will bring a dose of colour, excitement and family fun to opening day and again from 10am–2pm on opening weekend.

Kids and families can also delight in the wonder of our spectacular light-filled Christmas tree, plus, you can pick up a free Merrifield City tote bag and free balloons for the little ones. If you’re lucky, you might land a complimentary $20 Merrifield City voucher too.

This is your chance to meet local authorities in everything from seasonal cooking to hair styling and uncover what’s new in your neighbourhood. So don’t be shy – come down and say hello.

Visit the Merrifield City page here and view retailers opening in stage 1

Sports reserve update – opening next year!

The sports reserve is the centrepiece of the Merrifield residential community and at 9.5 hectares, it is more than 10 times the size of any of the local parks already delivered in Merrifield – making it even easier for residents to live a healthy and active lifestyle!

Working alongside Hume City Council and Spiire landscape architects, we have curated an area for the community to engage, be it through sport and recreation, play, relaxation and pets. It is a carefully considered and well-designed space that caters for a wide variety of users and responds to local community needs.

You asked. We listened. Get ready for an amazing off-leash dog park!

Along with many other first-class features, an amazing 5,000 square metre off-leash dog park will be located within the southern end of the reserve. According to recent Merrifield Community Surveys, we know that approximately 1 in 2 families in Merrifield own a dog. In response to this, we worked closely with Hume City Council and Member for Yuroke The Hon. Ros Spence to secure a $275,000 State Government Grant towards delivery of the dog park.

We are so thrilled to be bringing you this exciting space that will include sections for both small and large dogs, agility equipment and shelter space.

The sports reserve will feature:

• 2 x AFL / cricket ovals
• 6 x tennis courts
• Sports pavilion – which will be home to the Merrifield Panthers Sporting Association
• 5000 square metre off-leash dog park
• Cricket nets
• Playground – includes various ropes and nature play areas, including a basketball/netball hoop and skate feature
• Fitness node
• Skate zone – catering for toddlers, juniors and teens with skateable elements, bike practice and scooter areas

Residents interested in becoming involved either as players, coaches or administrators within the Merrifield Panthers Sporting Association can contact President and Merrifield resident Glenn Herring at