Major works along Donnybrook Road are now complete!
We’re pleased to announce that a significant upgrade to Donnybrook Road is now complete and open to traffic! This upgrade comprises a substantial component of the four kilometres of Donnybrook Road duplication works delivered by the Merrifield team (west of the Hume Freeway), as well as two new signalised intersections at Merrifield Boulevard and Rosehill Boulevard.
Completion of these major construction works represent a significant milestone for Merrifield, providing critical road and public transport infrastructure to service the Merrifield community years ahead of schedule.
A core component of the duplication works is the installation of mature street trees, which complement our desire to deliver high quality boulevard and landscape environments that offer the best of contemporary urban design.
The Merrifield team has worked in close collaboration with the Department of Transport and its contractor BMD to deliver this important project, in time for the opening of Merrifield City in the coming weeks.