Merrifield Jobs
We are excited to announce our new Merrifield Jobs Portal.
Merrifield Jobs is a new destination for listings on local jobs, both within Merrifield and the surrounding area.
Sign up now to start searching for local jobs, access employment support information and community noticeboards, and to apply for member only listings.
Local employers are also encouraged to register and post available positions.
Merrifield Project Director Matt Planner expects the portal to grow into a key online tool for the community.
“We are committed to facilitating local jobs for local people,” said Matt.
The first positions available in Merrifield were at the state-of-the-art Dulux facility, due to open in October.
These roles were quickly filled!
Over the next 6-12 months, additional jobs are anticipated to be created at both the Merrifield Business Park and M Square.
Register for free today!