June 27, 2018

Merrifield Resident Fay Conte shares her newfound love of fitness – thanks to M-Fit Pilates & Fitness

Designed to help you bring a little exercise into your everyday life, M-Fit Pilates & Fitness is an initiative made possible by the Merrifield Community Grant Program. And its popularity suggests that our community certainly enjoys getting healthy!

Local Merrifield resident Fay Conte joined M-Fit when it first began in February and hasn’t missed a class since. In her late forties and wanting to make the most of everything Merrifield has to offer, Fay realised that she needed to make a few lifestyle changes.

‘Other than walking, I hadn’t done any real exercise for years,’ she says. ‘I started eating better, although I still love the occasional double choc Tim Tam, and I joined M-Fit to tone up my body and to get fit. I wanted to look better in bathers, too!’

Fay enjoyed sport as a youngster and played netball from the age of eight. But, as often happens, life and responsibilities took over. ‘My children are adults now and I have a lot more time on my hands. I finally have the opportunity to do something for me!’

M-Fit suits Fay down to the ground. ‘I’ve never been very keen on going to the gym, but M-Fit is different. Michelle and Mel (who take the classes) are really dedicated. They cater to the abilities and capabilities of everyone in their classes, and they take the time to explain and demonstrate each exercise.’

‘We do Pilates Fusion, Hit 45 and BoxFit and I’m loving each and every session. I’m also looking forward to doing “Strong by Zumba” which is being introduced in mid-July – can’t wait!’

But it’s not just the workout that Fay loves about M-Fit. ‘I also enjoy meeting other ladies from our little Merrifield community. I’ve made lots of new friends.’

Click here to learn more about M-Fit Pilates & Fitness.