January 30, 2023

Mickleham Secondary College welcomes Year 7 students!

We are excited to announce that the brand new Mickleham Secondary College in Merrifield is now open!

Principal Lian Davies, The Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins MP and The Hon. Ros Spence MP proudly opened Mickleham Secondary today to Year 7 students.
Mickleham Secondary College is the 3rd school now operating in Merrifield, providing a vital contribution to the ongoing education of the greater community.

The welcome addition to the Merrifield community is conveniently located at the north-west corner of St. Georges Boulevard and Blackmore Road – forming an important part of the Merrifield community and education precinct.

In its first year of operation, Mickleham Secondary College will be able to enrol up to 800 students. The school will initially be open to Year 7 students only and progress by year level thereafter. Once all stages are completed, the school will accommodate 1,200 students. We are thrilled to welcome to all Mickleham Secondary College teachers and students to Merrifield!

At a glance…
• Administration building with a library, staff offices and amenities
• Learning neighbourhood building
• Science building
• Materials technology building
• Community hub building with a competition-grade basketball/netball court, canteen, music, drama and food technology teaching spaces
• 4 outdoor hardcourts
• Sports field